
Tidings of Magpies is a magazine about art, culture, food, and life. It’s a collection of things that caught our eye that we want to share with you.

These things might not necessarily be the newest-latest, because there are plenty of publications covering those. This is about art, music, film, food, and literature that we love, that intrigues us and stays with us. It could be a movie from the sixties, a band from the 80s, an artist from the 1600s. Or it could be something brand new. We want to share things others might have missed, and shine a light on the possibly obscure and overlooked.

We’ll be featuring some criticism/analysis, of art, film, music, etc, and some original art, fiction, poetry, photography, music, film.

On some level this will be a forum for lesser-heard voices. Librarian-poets, bank teller-rock stars. But if we’re moved by something brand new and extremely popular, we’ll share that with you, too, and tell you why we love it.

For a more in-depth view of the ideas behind Tidings of Magpies, read this interview of Magpie’s Editor Claire Adas by South African journalist and poet Gershwin Wanneburg.